Data Visualization Vizualz

Kick start the report building process!

By popular demand, E-Tabs are excited to announce the launch of SLIDE TEMPLATES in Vizualz.

Our revolutionary infographic plugin for PowerPoint continues to improve, allowing for you as market researchers to bring your presentations to life with our stunning new range of slide templates!  SLIDE TEMPLATES was developed in response to feedback from our valued clients.

A number of clients have told us that they are really excited to present their data in an exciting and fresh way using Vizualz, however, when faced with a blank canvas, they often get stuck in a creative rut. With the new SLIDE TEMPLATES in E-Tabs Vizualz, you can relax and let us kick-start the process for you, with a bundle of professional pre-designed slide templates available at the click of a button!

The ability to customise the templates, for example, editing the slides to fit branding colours, allows you to re-use the templates that you or your team created, strengthening the consistency of your reports. Our professional data visualization design team is on hand to assist with the creation of any slide templates that you wish, contact us for more details.

Thought we stopped there? We have also launched new visual type BARS, which is another addition to our ever-evolving Vizualz library! These are elegant bar charts, which allows you to customise the bar and marker with colours, shapes or images, as well as editing to rounded corners. It is amazing how many stunning effects can be achieved with only a few parameters.

At E-Tabs we continue to improve our services to ensure that our clients are getting the most out of our products. With our experienced support team on hand, assistance is never too far away. The addition of SLIDE TEMPLATES and BARS in Vizualz allows researchers to accomplish their ambition of delivering visually-engaging reports that communicate their insight and stories more effectively.

To find out how Vizualz can help you bring your presentations to life click here. Or to purchase a Vizualz subscription directly from our website click here.

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