Enterprise Cloud

Introducing Enterprise Cloud – our completely cloud-based automated reporting platform based on E-Tabs Enterprise

Using Enterprise Cloud, getting editable exports from online dashboards are now possible. Current dashboard platforms such as PowerBI and Tableau are limited in their export capabilities. You can get a PowerPoint deck, but disappointingly filled only with static images. Now, using Enterprise Cloud's built in API, you can use those dashboards as 'data sources' to populate PowerPoint or Google templates (designed to replicate the dashboard screens). Using the export button, the chosen/filtered data is sent to Enterprise Cloud and a few moments later they received a populated, editable set of slides in their inbox!

E-Tabs Enterprise users can also design projects on their desktop and then upload them to Enterprise Cloud, for cloud-based running/processing. This has a huge benefit, meaning you can "offload" the processing on large projects (especially those generating multiple reports) to our cloud server rather than tie-up your own PC's.

You'll be notified once the projects have been run so you can download the populated decks, or have them emailed to you or directly to the client/stakeholder.

Contact Us

We have offices in three strategic
locations around the globe.


London (HQ)
+44 (0) 20 8205 4665

Unit 2, Technology Park
Colindeep Lane

North America

+1 888 823 8227

Asia Pacific

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